Thursday, July 23, 2009

Machine Gun Wedding

Machine Gun Wedding

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  1. Ah yes, Michael, I still remember when folks from the South weren’t allowed to vote, or to marry. I remember the horrible bombings of Southern churches, the lynchings, the Southern profiling, the multiple beatings and murders that occured to people just because they happened to love guns, pick-up trucks, and chewin’ tobacco. It was JUST LIKE racism and homophobia. Sniffle.

    Get some perspective, jackass.

  2. hopefully they shot each other with those shortly after the picture was taken.

  3. I’ll say it again….American people are dumb.

  4. Blaltymollord

  5. FUUUUCCCKKK. I’m moving to Canada

  6. This photo was taken in Alberta, you dumbass American. Stay in your own country.

  7. you gotta be american to think this is cool 😀 damn hillbillies

  8. Guns are essentially designed for one purpose – taking lives (be they animal or . They symbolise death (you may argue they symbolise protection, though since that protection is via fear of death it still amounts to a symbol of death) and death is not cool. Though I suppose many Christians see no problem with this, given their religious symbol is also a symbol of death – sounds rather Pagan when put like this doesn’t it?

    So it’s nothing about impressions of gun culture via the “liberal media” (ie. anyone who reports in disagreement with predominantly conservative axioms), rather the disturbing realisation that there are people who find such dissociated joy in symbols of death.

  9. Typical Americans

  10. fucking americans.

  11. if this photo was indeed taken in alberta, this shit is twice as funny

  12. Alberta IS viewed as the Texas of Canada by the rest of the country!

    And this wouldn’t be the first Albertan wedding photo I’ve seen heavily featuring guns.

  13. @Canaduck, I am certain the reference was to the ‘generalization’ of Southern people. Just as some people make a generalization about minorities and such. Your return argument shows an immature twisting of what was originally intended. To say that southerners are being stereotyped is not making a comparison to an actual event, that is why it is called STEREOTYPED. They may not have endured such hardships yet, they are target of STEREOTYPING. I have a feeling you are intelligent enough and already know this. You are just to immature not to twist what was said to meet your agenda.
    To the anti-gunners and stereotypers: Guns, like it or not, are necessary to keep law abiding citizens safe from criminals. It would be wonderful if guns were banned and all criminals also turned in their arms. You and your anti-gun friends are free to live in your delusional world that getting rid of the guns will solve the problem. Just as you are free to choose to be unarmed when a non-law abiding criminal threatens your life or that of your family. (remember: when guns are made criminal only criminals will have guns)
    I am a very compassionate, caring, empathetic individual. I believe in ‘doing unto others as you would have them do unto you’ , I am not illiterate, I do enjoy the sport of target shooting and hunting. I do not have a dissasociated joy in a “symbol of death”. There is no joy in death however, if it had to be that I need to put a bullet in your head because you were threating my life or that of my family. CLICK CLICK PULL BITCH…. you loose.
    I apologize to all, my rant veered from the picture itself.

  14. and yes I have already realized I used the word to instead of too in some places

  15. “If anyone has any objections, speak now or remain in one piece.”

  16. Thats the tackiest thing i’ve seen im my life

  17. To everyone writing about the groom’s trigger-finger fail: neither one of ’em has their finger on the trigger if you look. Think about it a sec… that’s actually a GOOD thing. lol

  18. Not to mention, both guns are pointed in what appears to be a safe direction. Both of the rifles are more likely than not semi-automatic. Not full auto. It’s so amusing when people that have clearly never actually fired a gun make all sorts of judgements about form and safety. Yeah maybe it’s tacky, but no one is in danger.

  19. Second rule of gun-handling: Never place your finger on the trigger unless you are planning on firing the gun.

  20. Is it possible that either the wife or husband was in the military? Why do people always assume that gun-toting means southern? That is so annoying when people jump to that conclusion.

  21. At least she wasn’t wearing a camo wedding dress.

  22. I like how he has his finger on the trigger and she doesn’t. does that say something?

  23. yeah it tells me that he doesn’t know shit about gun safety..

  24. Not to mention the fact that the composition of this photo is just completely off. Hello, leveling the horizon line anyone? And to think that this was one of their wedding photos… dear, dear.

  25. That backdrop is breathtaking…

  26. @ Obfuscator

    I’m from South Carolina and I still find this tacky and too redneck for words. I also find you stupid.

  27. best photo ever
    so you think only rednecks have guns? you sir are a moron.
    maybe they hunt?
    Now we can hear your liberal bullshit whining about killing Bambi am I right?
    are you not aware people all over the country have guns and gasp take pictures of themselves with them?
    You are a judgemental piece of human garbage.

  28. just a couple of thoughts mr. metalcraze:

    a) she’s going hunting with a semi-automatic? where’s the sport in that? And it’s not liberal bullshit to whine about killing a fawn–that’s illegal. You are welcome to blow Bambi’s mom to hell, just don’t use a semi-automatic.

    b) i think you kinda negated your point about the supposedly judgemental nature of these posts by ending the comment with the oh-so-neutral ‘piece of human garbage’. QFT.

  29. i think it’s pretty sweet.

  30. Oh. Wow. A wedding portrait and a Christmas card. That’s just a double dose of pure classiness right there.

  31. […] one image, a bride and groom enhance a wedding portrait by each wielding intimidating firearms — heavy, black semiautomatic or automatic rifles. A note […]

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