Monday, December 8, 2014

The Nazi Swimming Pool

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  1. That’s so not reich.

  2. until I looked at the check of $4449 , I have faith that…my… friends brother had been truly bringing in money in there spare time on their computer. . there dads buddy has done this for only about eight months and by now paid the mortgage on there appartment and bourt a brand new Dodge . visit the website
    >>>>>>LiNk here>>>>>>
    GO TO THE SITE>>>> And click HOME tab in the site for INFO ANd HELP………………………………………

  3. That nazi-Anne Frank-pun was a bit funny the first 1000 times it was written.
    Not any more.

  4. Well, that’s what you get for hiring fugitive Nazis on the run in South America to do your pool on the cheap.

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