Friday, January 15, 2010

Hello Marina, Goodbye Mike


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  1. actually, i talk to plenty of strange men in line, or at bars, or on the subway. it’s one thing to strike up friendly conversation. it’s another when you know a guy is only talking to you because you have a vadge. it’s even another thing when guys [young, old, infant] try to get at your vadge all day. in line, on the subway, at work, at bars, from across the street, from inside their cars.

    and also on facebook.

  2. ilim: they are assaulted by people they know not by strangers. Live in fear ladies, just live your lives in fear. But don’t fear the strange guy who smiled at you, fear the uncle you never thought would do that, fear the date with that boy you’ve been staring at all year, fear the football star at the party.

    On a lighter note, someone commented on it earlier that if you don’t want to talk to strangers DON’T APPROVE THEIR FRIEND REQUESTS.

    Rendezvous: ladies don’t owe men anything. Didn’t read your link, but from what I’ve gathered from websites that offer advice meeting women they want a guy that makes a good joke, smiles, is a little cocky, etc. I’ve read it all. Yet women continue to throw around terms like “predator, creep, rapist, molester, freak, douche bag”

    Saying things like “We are bombarded with douche baggery all. day. long.” Brings up another topic: if a woman sleeps around is she a slut? Because she can choose any guy on the bus/subway/facebook, mean while no matter how good looking a guy is he still gets turned down as often as he is successful, so if he’s successful a lot wouldn’t he be a stud for breaking the stigma?

  3. you can message a person through facebook WITHOUT friend requesting them.

    @christopherlovet- there are a lot of creepy guys out there who are only looking for one thing, and unfortunately many women are sexually abused & can’t or don’t do anything about it. It’s people like you who make women feel afraid to come forward about their sexual assault experience.

  4. Also, 1/4 women being sexually assaulted in their lifetimes does not equal 1/4 men being a sexual assaulter. Something to chew on.

  5. There’s also this little thing called PTSD that has risen over the years due to assaults and rapes. So perhaps they’re…scared?? Something else to chew on.

  6. yeah i definitely never said 1/4 men was an assaulter, but it puts this entry into context.

    i run a ptsd support group, i’m well aware that most sexual assaults are by familiar people.

    however, not sure how being a ‘slut’ has anything to do with being chased after all day when you’re just trying to go to work. or chilling on facebook.

    i don’t know when facebook became a place where people you didn’t know randomly started talking to you. it was a nice safe place before it started trying to compete with myspace.

    mmm i guess it would be hard trying to explain the automatic aversion girls have to guys contacting them out of the blue. i might stop trying. i don’t think marina is ‘living in fear’. i think she was living in annoyance for that moment. she probably didn’t call facebook to delete his account. she was being an asshole towards someone she was annoyed with. to comedic effect.

    so… i still think marina wins.

  7. especially since this guy smells of creeper. like sneaking into innocuous best friend role back rubbing smelling like citronella candle creeper.

  8. I think they are both weird. See? We are all winners.

  9. This is my friend Marina who works for college humor, and she definitely did not accept a friend request from him. Also, shes usually this sassy (mean?) to everyone she encounters.. not just to facebook creepers.

  10. Isn’t ”Most evil person in history” a Hotmail secret security question to get a new password?

  11. Sorry, but as a girl (who isn’t fat or unattractive) living in a city, creepy guys are a problem. I understand that some girls DO exaggerate things or want attention, but I don’t see why girls should have to put up with guys being rude or weird. Rape is a serious problem, and in a city it is often not just the guy you know, but random criminals around you. I could go on.

    Also: if you need to approach girls on public transportation or in the streets, maybe you don’t know how to meet girls. Go to a bar, club, or party. Don’t try to approach girls who aren’t interested. It’s very possible that if you have no luck with girls, you’re just unattractive or unappealing, and that’s life. Lower your standards and stop talking to girls who aren’t interested.

  12. @idontwantaname Haha, honey. Get over yourself. Rape’s a problem, yeah. Of course it is! But striking up a conversation in public? You have to be some kind of stuck-up woman to think that people shouldn’t try to meet someone in regular settings. Not everyone’s a club rat.

  13. idontwantaname = “Sorry, but as a girl (who isn’t fat or unattractive) living in a city, creepy guys are a problem.” Right. Because only pretty, thin girls are targetted by creepy guys. You’re coming off as a pretty major bitch here. Just FYI.

    (You’re also implying that only thin and pretty girls are raped or sexually assaulted – this makes you not only ignorant as all hell, but stupid and shallow to boot; you better watch out, though; if you’re as breath-takingly gorgeous as you seem to want us to believe, you’ve got to be #1 on every predator’s list…I’d buy some mace if I were you. Maybe a taser, just as a precaution.)

    “Lower your standards and stop talking to girls who aren’t interested.” So guys shouldn’t talk to the girls they think are pretty, they should just talk to the ones they “think they have a chance with”? Yep, now you’re coming off as an even bigger bitch.

    “Also: if you need to approach girls on public transportation or in the streets, maybe you don’t know how to meet girls. Go to a bar, club, or party. Don’t try to approach girls who aren’t interested.” So all those articles about meeting women at the store, the laundromat, the library, the bookclub, doing volunteer work – those are all obviously way off base, and the *CORRECT* place for men to meet women with whom they have a chance of forming a lasting bond is a bar, club, or party. Also, men are now coming installed with Girl Insterest-Seeker V. 6.4, so they can tell which girls are interested merely by looking at them long enough for the program imbedded in their cerebral coretex to evaluate their level of interest (V. 7.0 comes with an option that calculates your chances with the woman, as well).

    Yep, you are now officially one of the biggest bitches I’ve “met” on these boards.

  14. @idontwantaname –

    “It’s very possible that if you have no luck with girls, you’re just unattractive or unappealing, and that’s life.”

    Or they’ve only met self-centered bitches like yourself…

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