Posts Tagged ‘winner’

Dirty Dozen

Always appreciate gifts someone buys for you on Black Friday. They have to wait in lines and battle other customers to get it for you. It means more when they get you a $1500 TV for only $150 and 3-5 years probation for assault. FOLLOW @LAMEBOOK ON INSTAGRAM FOR MORE!

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I Saw The Sign

QUARANTINE TIP – Get into pickling things. Pickle onions, carrots, golf balls, t-shirts, etc – anything you can find. Then you can start a new pickled clothing line. You’re welcome. Follow @lamebook on instagram!

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Pain Of Loss

Are there more bugs in your apartment/house than normal, or is it just that we’re spending more time at home? It’s great nature is recovering some with everyone staying home, but it’s not good that we are naming bugs and treating them like additional roommates. And please follow @lamebook on instagram!

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Big Little Mistake

Ivy league schools are offering over 400 of their classes for free online. One of them better be the math/statistics/gambling course that teaches us how to win at blackjack so we can all become millionaires. Just shuffling cards is hard, but we can figure it out. FOLLOW @LAMEBOOK ON INSTAGRAM!

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Buried Treasure

Burying toilet paper in your floorboards is a fun treasure hunt until a month from now when you’re ripping up your floorboards things got too real. Let’s hope in 10 years we can post the followup on someone finding this toilet paper like Jack Sparrow finding gold. And PLEASE disable your adblocker on the site (whitelist us please)!

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