Monday, February 7, 2011

Week Starting Wins

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previous post: Quite a Night…




    That was more rewarding than you’d imagine.

  2. Amy is EXPECTING!!! I know, I know, it’s crazy isn’t it? I can’t believe it myself. I wasn’t going to put it on here because it’s obvious but wanted to make it official. I mean who would have guessed that we are expecting !! Yup it’s official. We are expecting *snow* Saturday night. Re-post, if you have any sense of humor!

  3. Stephen and Brian are Demetri Martin thieves. Boo.

    Jared made me laugh.

  4. Bravo, Jana, your wit astounds me

    And I have no sense of humor. I also hate my spawns, my progenitors, my main penis-wielding companion

    Also, I hate snow

  5. Midge FTW.
    And Amy, people with any sense of humor will never put that crap as their status, not to mention asking others to do the same.

  6. Congratulations Edible, on being as awesome as I am everyday, for 30 seconds.

  7. 30 seconds? Are you my boyfriend?

  8. “Oh no she didn’t!!”

  9. I think Amy is expecting an eight ball of blow on Saturday night.

    I wasn’t going to put it on here because it’s obvious but I wanted to make it official.

  10. I think it’s the combination of Amy’s post and Midge’s comment that makes it work. I thought it was great. “I hope it’s white.” Ooooh.

    Also, I have heard the CDO thing before… While it is in alphabetical order. It makes me cringe and twitch because the letters are in the wrong order.

  11. Ha ha so….fuck it this was not funny. Time to go watch the news, I need something to laugh at

  12. Yeah CDO is an abomination. It would piss an OCD person off more having the letters in order of fuckery. Because Compulsive Disorder Obsessive id as fucktarded as Craig.

  13. *is
    Damn phone autocorrect! JK, I’m making an excuse/lie.

  14. Amy I hate you. I’ve seen this from about 5 of my facebook friends so far. No sign of it letting up.

    @annieokie – you’re fucking a man.

  15. *almo

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