Friday, August 28, 2009

Casper the Horny Ghost

Horny Ghost

Horny Ghost

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  1. I can’t help but wonder how the one of them has a friend “named Jennifer something”. How do you not know your friend’s name?

    I guess the type of people who have sexually curios paranormal in their showers

  2. *curious

    Although I wouldn’t mind a sexual curio.

  3. Thank God. After reading that entire conversation, I was afraid that I had become the strange person for thinking ghosts are a load of bullshit. Thank you internets for setting me straight.

  4. Ugh I can’t believe I read all of that garbage and was then confronted with sarcasticmeow’s awful attempts at being funny. At least now she’s not going to get attacked by any more ghosts since it’s obvious she doesn’t put out.

  5. man, i was hoping for someone to outdo Flip (#9), but alas…

    i’m still giggling at that one.

  6. sarcasticmeow, don’t listen to carrion. Someone just doesn’t have a scence of humour. I however found you funny. The best part about this post was the comments people made after it. and yes, Nicka is ridiculously stupid. Oh, no wait sorry i’m mistaken. Tonnes of people have “psychic abilities”, friends who can’t speak properly and pervert ghosts.

  7. As I was reading this, I was holding out for Nicka to bust out with a “you guys are fucking stupid, of course ghosts aren’t real” sort of sneak attack, but clearly that didn’t happen.

    Once again, all my hope in the intelligence of others has been brutally murdered. Thanks Canada.

  8. @carrion

    If you and sarcasticmeow are drowning in a river, and there’s only one life belt – EVERYONE on this board is throwing it to sarcasticmeow. Sorry.

  9. I couldn’t take a girl I was dating at all seriously after I found out she thought ghosts were real.

  10. @Boz

    That is potentially the dumbest thing I’ve ever read, and this is the internet so that’s a pretty big call. Every morning when you look in the mirror I want you to think about that post and remind yourself of what a failure you are.

  11. intez

  12. Ruthe-Ellen, I’ll kill you if you encourage her.

  13. whats even weirder is that while i was reading this my stomach began to make strange noises, like ghost trying to communicate with me. so i told it to stop and it did.

  14. This is completely fake. Just look at the time stamp on this post and then look at the time stamp on REAL facebook status’ and comments. Facebook doesn’t put the date on there. It puts how long ago the comments were added. Just an FYI.

  15. Lyneah, FB does put the date on comments! But only if they’re old. But I agree it cud be fake unless American fb is different to UK or something becuase on mine, the date & time stamp show up at the bottom of the message, not at the top next to their name.

  16. Lol at Jeri telling Ruthe not to encourage her…
    Her batshit-craziness doesn’t NEED any encouragement!

    Apart from the encouragement of the voices that follow her all day, that is.

  17. Shhh! I’m her ghost, Uncle Jerry. I like to hide in her bedroom and in her shower. Don’t tell her mom.

  18. Bitch, stop being a Nicka and get me some chicken.

  19. This is hilarious! Even funnier was #9 Flip !

  20. 9. Flip August 28th, 2009 at 8:58 am
    Maybe she’s blind and the ghosts are real people

    !!! this makes my day! !!! 😉 😉

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