Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Horsin’ Around

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  1. I’m a bad ass bitch drinking vente Americanos on my pony!

  2. ^ Very confusing post. Perhaps quotation marks should have been used to signify sarcasm or you’re gender confusion is getting the best of you.

  3. The Beast Among Us

    Women that can ride are sexy.

  4. twistedthoughts

    Men with brains are sexy…

  5. The Beast Among Us

    ^ Why thank you, Twisted. You ride?

  6. Shoot the horses in the ass with a BB gun , and watch the fun.

  7. Ride? Yes, when I expect an interesting and amazing experience.

  8. The Beast Among Us

    ^ And that’s the way it should be every time. That’s sexy.

  9. twistedthoughts

    But ofc…

  10. uptil I looked at the receipt for $4969 , I accept that my brother could actualey bringing home money parttime at their laptop. . there friends cousin had bean doing this for less than 6 months and by now paid the mortgage on their place and got themselves a Acura . look at here now




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