Thursday, June 2, 2011


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  2. theyseemetrollintheyhatin

    Wow. Thats all I can say. Stupidity like this is only ever in movies surely? |:

  3. shadowwhisperer

    People like that should have been put down at birth.

  4. Please be a troll, Delaney. PLEASE!

  5. My names Delaney. I feel bad for myself.

  6. I had when idiots share my name. Disheartening indeed.

  7. I hate when idiots share my name. Disheartening indeed.

  8. Delaney says:


  9. I wish I could hate Delaney to death.

  10. Oh Delaney….the world must be a very scary giant and confusing place to you.

  11. I’m mostly impressed that he only hasn’t heard of “half those states.” Makes me wonder which half of those US states he has heard of. :p

  12. vari: I am guessing Delaney is female. Plenty of Americans are shockingly geographically-impaired, but our gals are usually the more likely to be this blithe about it.

  13. Surely fake? Surely?

    I will save my rant on the insular nature, stupidity and ignorance of some Americans ………………… for now.

  14. I’m sorry to say everyone, but this is definitely believable. No trolling here.

  15. I’m more impressed with Zachary’s copy-paste skills.

  16. Lamebook never fails to make me feel intellectually superior….. 😛

  17. I’m Romanian, and this made me RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE

  18. @tehlamzor so how does it feel being american dawg?

  19. Giving that Zachary calls it a “country” and then says Europe (which every American knows isn’t a state in the US), I’m going to have to say Delaney is hard-core trolling. Plus, though Delaney didn’t capitalize the words needed, his spelling and grammar are spot on. He’s obviously messing with his friend… and it appears he got all of you too. Kudos, Delaney. Kudos.

  20. Whoops, I guess he did misspell “what” and “yeahh” though those can be considered text speak. Still, he’s obviously trolling.

  21. ismayonnaiseaninstrument

    not sure if trolling, or very stupid. ¬.¬

  22. I agree that Delaney is trolling. “cause i am pretty sure its a store” made me laugh out loud.

  23. CommentsAtLarge

    The truly scary part is that both sides of the argument for and against this being fake stupidity are strong.

  24. Trust me, I know many, many people (American, of course) where this would pass as not-trolling.

  25. I put my money on trolling. Based on the shortness of Delaney’s comments. He’s not really interested in what his friend has to say about Romania… just fucking around.

  26. @16.
    You know, ….. if I were Romanian, I’d be full of rage too.

  27. Jesus fucking tap dancing Christ. Weep. Weep for our future, because there are plenty out there who are legitimately this dumb — and these fucking guppies will be running the nation one day.

  28. I’d weep because more than half of you idiots actually fell for this. I’ve done exactly what Delaney has done many a time because gullible babies such as yourselves can’t distinguish from someone trolling and someone being serious.

  29. Surely fake.

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