Friday, May 1, 2009



Natural Selection: the process by which Charles Darwin described nature’s ability to filter out the weaker and less “worthy” creatures of a species.

Nature is amazing. It gave us Mt Everest, the Rainforest, Bald Eagles, and loveable Koalas. It is amazing but not perfect. It also gave us the DoDo Bird, Indiana, and Mosquitos. The aforementioned natural selection works great but has somehow allowed you, Timothy McVey, and Billy “Oxyclean” Mays to slip through the cracks; all purveors of great ideas. That being said, here is one more term for you…

Strip Search: the process by which the secret service will undoubtedly make sure you aren’t carrying weapons after they break down the door to your one room efficiency apartment and find you facebooking your exboyfriend who is now boning the hot brunette chick from his Psychology class.

♥ The Editors

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  1. Hey lay off Indiana, we’re cool 😛

  2. Did you guys all realice how extremly rasist yall are. just because a man is black does not meen he is holy or that you cant ridicule him. mister obama gets special treatment cause of his apperance not equal if he were white you throw bricks at him. what kind of a man calls him self the leader of the freeworld and cant make a choice and stand by it or says something one week and than takes a 180 and says another thing the next week. he cant even put a bill through that he belives would benefit the whole nation and the majority of the nation would acctually love him for it even though he has the support of the majority of congress i would say that puts a real big pink pussy right in his face just waiting to get fucked by the first man that has the cojones to fuck it.

  3. let’s just hope no one commented on this because SHE HAS NO FRIENDS.

  4. @that guy. That would be awesome except for the fact that it says 2 comments right next to the time.

  5. I’m so ready for American to turn in to NORWAy!:

    After the Second World War, the country experienced rapid economic growth, particularly as a result of large oil deposits discovered in the early 1970s. Today it ranks as the wealthiest country in the world,[8][9][10] with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation. In August 2009 the nation’s sovereign wealth fund announced that it owned approximately 1% of all the stocks in the world, presumably referring to publicly traded stocks. Norway is the world’s seventh largest oil exporter[11] and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of its GDP.[12] Following the ongoing financial crisis of 2007-2009, bankers have deemed the Norwegian krone to be one of the most solid currencies in the world.[13]

  6. Owned by beef broganoff.

  7. No one (liberals included) wanted Bush to get assassinated because Cheney would have become President.

    Just sayin’…

  8. OK. I don’t agree with many of the things that President Obama is putting into policy, but that doesn’t mean I want him dead! It’s seriously an atrocity that someone would think this, much less post it on Facebook for the world to see!

  9. I’m going to hunt the bitch down and kill her myself. No one talks smack about my man. Killer poodle…ATTACK!!!!

  10. obama does suck.

  11. Natural Selection

    Wow, I wasn’t gonna post. But When I saw that Jason was the only one to call the editors out, I just had to. It’s “McVeigh”
    and “purveyors.” lrn2 Spell Check

  12. Very disappointed in most posters here.

    Listen, folks. This post was obviously meant for friends and family only. If she had made a huge website with this message posted in giant letters, it would be different. We’ve all said things that we didn’t mean. We all have different opinions. I, personally, think that Obama will ultimately lead to the utter destruction of this country.

    But that’s just me.

    The point is: You judging her is just as bad as her judging Obama.

  13. “You judging her is just as bad as her judging Obama.”
    Yeah, but her sincere hopes for an assassination is worse. =p

  14. @Very disappointed in most posters here. Obama may not be everyone’s favorite guy, but consider this. Under Bush you guys had two wars with still no end in sight, your reputation for human rights was utterly destroyed by Guantanamo and extra-ordinary rendition and your foreign debt grew to astronomical levels. Just how much more can Obama screw America up?

    On the subject of Obama’s proposed health care reforms: in Australia, we have government-paid health care (not total, but subsidized), and our economy is sweet. Unemployment is lower than in Europe or the USA, and house prices are high. States-side, the number one cause of mortgage foreclosures (which occur at a rate of one ever seven seconds) is medical expenses. Thus government-paid health care may actually confer some benefit upon your nation.

  15. Post #64, Are you a total retard?!?!? You don’t live here, obviously, so you have NO IDEA what this moron can do to ruin this country! Socialism is NOT what the United States is about, but that’s what He’s pushing for. Lucky for us he won’t be elected a 2nd term..and the People have spoken as of yesterday! Take a look at the election results for Virginia and New Jersey as an indicator of what’s to come in the NEXT Presidential Election!!

  16. I think you are, “Hisb*tch”. if you knew what socialism was, because hes NOT a socialist!

  17. …uh, I hated Bush’s presidency and couldn’t wait til it was over, but I didn’t want him /dead/. what? (also, honestly, I /will/ say if this was a president who hadn’t received death threats over and over, maybe this would be a little funny. a little.)

    also UH SOCIALISM WHAT. noooooot quite. chill, HisB*tch.

  18. i’d like to jizz on those tits

  19. perhaps. perhaps. won’t be quite like it tho, I don’t know if the government would kill a not-that-good president. Not like in the case of kennedy, but maybe some pissed out redneck that doesn’t like a negro in the white house. I don’t know, if you are an american president and you are still alive, it must mean you are filled with enough shit to get the job done.

    does things seem a lot clearer from down here in south america.

  20. pissed off*

  21. PLEASE tell me all of the comments above were in lame-jest.

    If I have to believe so many people went off in “political” “”debate”” in the comments section of a humor facebook-oriented website…I’ll just cry.

  22. cant you be arrested for this?

  23. Blah Blah Blah! Sheesh! Why is everyone getting so political? I suppose the daft lot above can run their country better than most of the morons in power all over the world.

  24. O man I am so smart and opinionated I have all the anwsers.

  25. I lol’d. In cynical disbelief, granted, but I still lol’d. Allison4Prez

  26. Damn, I can’t believe no one noted this. There wasn’t *any* liberal/Dem in the country that really wanted Bush dead. Think about it: President Cheney… (Now, if they were talking about assassinating Bush, Cheney, the speaker of the House, and all Republican members of the House and Senate then that *might* be different. Unlikely to the ^n, but still different.)

  27. [b] fuck [/b]

  28. [b]fuck[/b]

  29. fuck

  30. fuck

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