Monday, July 25, 2011


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  1. FIRSTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO reposting that first one on my wall.

  3. She didnt want to go to rehab, now shes dead dead dead xP

  4. Yeah, Its so funny when people make fun of the death of someone. Grow up.

  5. dutch I am so proud of you being eersie.

  6. Kaitlin, save the butthurt. If she wasn’t a celebrity she’d be just another dead junkie and literally nobody would care.

  7. These were actually quite funny 🙂

  8. hootie the blowfish

    @kaitlinkist: Yeah, it’s SO much better to pay a bunch of money to a drug addict for singing about being a drug addict. Great point. Let’s all act like what she did wasn’t fucking stupid, because some people happened to enjoy hearing her sing!

  9. vaginalroundhouse

    They tried to make me go to rehab but I just shoot, smoke and snort.

  10. vaginalroundhouse

    Maybe it’s a little late but she should have said yes.

  11. @kaitlinkist:
    A tragedy is when somebody dies of something that isn’t their fault. A hilarious bit of irony is when somebody becomes a druggie, sings a song about refusing to get help, continues her druggie lifestyle for a couple more years, then drops dead of an OD. We’re not mocking her death, we’re mocking the complete idiocy that led to her death.

    BTW, does anyone know if she’s up for a Darwin Award? Because she deserves it.

  12. All of them are off sickipedia.

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