Thursday, January 20, 2011


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  1. poop first, post later.
    take that steeeeeeeeeve.

  2. The first one was the best that I’ve seen in awhile!

  3. Shit attempt at covering yourself there, Eddie. You were just fishing to see if Jay was for realz. Who are you trying to fool, scat man? And you’re from Philly. Pfft.

  4. LOL, Lisa. The more you show that it’s getting to you, the more satisfaction you’re giving to whoever posted it. It is a pretty funny trick.

    And Eddie fails. It would have been funny if Jay received phone calls like Lisa did.

  5. Shit, that Lisa’s a bit scary!

    Anybody else feel that if they would have put a price on that posting, that Lisa would have been OK with it?

    I wonder if that’s the same Eddie from the last post. Which lamester found his number and posted that? BRAVO, if you did.

  7. With Lisa, why can’t she just change her number?? LOL

  8. Dukey Smoothy Buns

    How the fuck are we ignoring ‘a hurtin’ for a squirtin”? I’m definitely incorporating that into my vocabulary, that’s just beautiful.

  9. Which one of you cruel, fuckwit, slutslugs has posted my telephone number, address, email and facefuck page on that pervaholics-list offering my love cream to all and sundry!?! Cunts!!..

    oh hang on..nope, sorry, it’s ok…it was me, I remember now, I listed myself when I was having a slow day.

  10. “bust some heads” -really??? Not good for the argument I’m afraid….

  11. Why does every pissed off person on the facebook comments act like an angry black chick and spell like a hillbilly?

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